Naturopathic Medicine


Naturopathic Medicine is …

How is Naturopathic Medicine different from other health professions?

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Naturopathic Principles:

  1. Primum non nocere (First do no harm)

  2. Vis medicatrix naturae (Healing power of nature)

  3. Tolle causam (Identify and treat the root cause)

  4. Docere (Doctor as teacher)

  5. Tolle totum (Treat the whole person)

  6. Praevenic (Prevention)

Naturopathic doctors practice according to the following Therapeutic Order:

  1. Address patient's primary health concern

  2. Identify & remove the cause of dis-ease

  3. Activate the “Vis medicatrix naturae”

  4. Strengthen & rebalance the weaker systems to allow homeostasis to return

  5. Use/Prescribe specific medicines (or combinations) for specific problems

  6. Use more invasive techniques if necessary

  7. Re-evaluate

The goal is to maintain balance between mental, emotional, and physical aspects of health; optimal health can be achieved by maintaining the "Centre of gravity" .

The goal is to maintain balance between mental, emotional, and physical aspects of health; optimal health can be achieved by maintaining the "Centre of gravity" .


Many treatment options...

What are the treatment options in Naturopathic Medicine?

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Different modalities...

There are many "modalities" in Naturopathic Medicine, e.g.

Homeopathy   Learn More →

Traditional Chinese Medicine   Learn More →

and many more.